Dear Participants,
It is a great honour to invite you to the 10th edition of the Singapore Model Cabinet (SMC). Jointly organised by Victoria Junior College (VJC) and the People’s Association, SMC offers a unique opportunity for students to delve into the inner workings of Singapore’s Parliament. Upholding high standards that have defined SMC’s continued excellence remains the foremost objective of the Secretariat.
In today’s ever-changing world where Singapore is constantly navigating new and evolving social, political and economic challenges, it is imperative that participants of SMC 2025 employ their critical thinking skills to first question the existing status quo, and then devise sound and holistic policies. To support you on this journey, our dedicated chairs have meticulously prepared study guides to enrich and assist your learning as you embark on your SMC experience.
It is my hope that all participants will glean pertinent insights and be inspired to become catalysts for positive change. For some, SMC 2025 may be your first glimpse into the realm of policy-making and the complexities of governance. For others, it will be an opportunity to refine your skills and broaden your perspectives. Regardless of your starting point, together, let us all make SMC 2025 a platform for growth, passion and meaningful exchange.
Finally, here’s to cultivating long-lasting and true friendships within the Singapore Model United Nations community!
I look forward to seeing you at SMC 2025!
Yours sincerely,
Alexis Kwek Lexin
Secretary-General of SMC 2025