It has been an eventful year of preparation, and we are honoured to present to you the 10th edition of SMC 2025!
SMC is a simulation of the Singapore Cabinet, the executive branch of the government and the highest national decision-making body present in our nation. We hope to represent a full array of relevant issues pertinent to Singapore. Given the significant changes in the geopolitical landscape of recent years, it is essential for Singapore to continuously review its policies to ensure its nimbleness in our complex and volatile world. Therefore, it is critical that participants, in taking on the role of policymakers, rigorously evaluate to ensure the sustainability and feasibility of proposed policies.
At SMC 2025, all cabinets (Environment, Economy, Education, Society and Politics) require representatives to critically analyse current policies in the given topics, consider other stakeholders involved and craft value-added solutions. Through SMC, we hope for representatives to understand the trade-offs with proposed and implemented policies.
To stimulate youths’ interest in our nation’s affairs, we would like to extend our invitation to secondary and pre-university students in Singapore to participate in this conference. Our aspiration is that SMC 2025 be an enriching experience for all.
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